Visual storytellers of all backgrounds share how this pandemic is impacting them, their families, and their communities.
A selection of COVIDeos was featured in San Francisco's de Young Museum Open Exhibition in 2020.

Luqman Frank – Gonna Be Alright
Official Music Video (2021)

The Light of the Sun
by Luqman Frank & B. Quincy Griffin

by Milena Elias-Reyes

by Autumn Payne

by Angelica Trimble-Yanu

by Nicholas Carter

Outside In
by Linda and Peter Freund

Beauty From The Void
by Andy Jordan

by Devon Farr

Padres Unidos
by Alma Loredo

The Main Confinement: My Body
by Carolina Martinez Araya

Cecelia Delivers
by Ruth Kirschner

Shelter In Displacement
by Pam Uzzell

The Turning Point
by Carmen Pellerin

Hanging On
by Lloyd Francis